PFWA Pool Reporter Zach Berman Interview with Referee Alan Eck
Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Philadelphia Eagles
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Question: In the first quarter, on the scuffle between the Eagles and the Steelers, why was it that two Steelers got penalized on that play?
Eck: “Because two Steelers were observed, number 80 and number 19, committing unsportsmanlike conduct after the play was over. That’s what it was. Two players after the fact, unsportsmanlike conduct.”
Question: As far as that play, why weren’t any Eagles players flagged and did you see any punches thrown?
Eck: “No. No punches were observed on the field. Since we had flags down, it gave New York an opportunity to review the play as well. There was no video evidence of punches observed by the Philadelphia Eagles.”
Question: That was my follow-up question. Is replay available? What was observed by New York on that play?
Eck: “Correct. Since we have flags down, that opens the door to let New York take a look at it and take a video review of it. After looking at the video, they didn’t observe any punches.”
Question: In the third quarter on the Eagles field goal, what was the explanation on the Montravius Adams unnecessary roughness penalty?
Eck: “The long snapper is considered a defenseless player so he can’t be contacted above the shoulders. On this play, he is forcibly contacted above the shoulders so that resulted in a personal foul, 15-yard penalty and an automatic first down.”